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Building Community: Choosing Group Activities That Give Back

As an employer, it can be difficult to help your employees work together. One amazing way to combat competition between coworkers and instead build a sense of unity and cooperation is engaging in group activities that reach out to the community. This type of activity will have enormous positive impact not only on your business but on the people around you. Below are three tips for choosing an outreach activity.

1. Find out what your employees are already involved in. If one of your employees works in an outreach program for homeless people, let them help the entire group get involved for a day or two. If one of your employees works with an animal adoption agency, give them a chance to share their passion with their coworkers. By tapping into what your employees are interested in already, you bring your employees and community together in a way that could never happen otherwise.

2. Respond to your specific community. Each community has its own distinct issues that need to be dealt with. Find needs that are specific to your and seek to meet those needs. This outlook can be especially powerful during a one-time event, like a natural disaster. Rise to the challenge and show your community that you care.

3. Make big goals and then get specific. Start general and zoom in. First, collaborate with your employees about what type of service project you want to engage in. Do you want to help end hunger in your area? Do you want to reach out to underprivileged children around you? Do you want to remove trash and spruce up your neighborhood? These goals are huge, so the next step is to zoom in and find a specific project to focus on within the larger goal. This will help you and your employees to see both the big picture and the specifics. This approach will draw you together as a team.

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