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20 Tips to Make Your Holiday Season Happy and Healthy

As the holiday season approaches, your calendar becomes full and the demands are high – most likely, like stress level. As an event professional, you usually make it through the season in a daze and pull off memorable events for your clients. At least a third of your itinerary involves meeting after meeting, but you buckle down and focus on doing what you love. After all, isn’t that the point?

That positive attitude will see you through most days of the busy season, but here are 20 quick tips on surviving and THRIVING when the crazy keeps coming left and right.

1. Schedule Downtime

You schedule important meetings, but your meetings with yourself and loved ones also matter. Mark it on your calendar in ink.

2. Know When to Take a Break

It’s easy to keep going, but in order to do the best for your clients, you need to step aside for a minute and breathe.

3. Prepare Healthy Snacks

Personal meals don’t often make the event planner’s checklist. Get your nutrition in by meal planning in advance with healthy and filling snacks, such as eating wraps, cucumbers and hummus, jerky and fruit.

4. Footwear Matters

You need to look your best as a professional. That doesn’t mean you should sacrifice comfort if you’re going to be on your feet for hours. Invest in a quality pair of shoes.

5. Set Aside Quality Time

Though loved ones understand that this is your busy season for events, they may still feel neglected. Set aside quality time to be with them. Again, make it happen by marking it on your calendar.

6. Get Your Sleep

A lack of a restful night of sleep is a significant cause of stress. Be sure to stop doing any mentally demanding work several hours before going to bed. Then maximize relaxation as you get into the bed.

7. Don’t Check Email Before Bed

Keep a routine and technology free bedtime. Don’t check your email before bed to keep the checklist of all you have to do tomorrow off of your mind.

8. Don’t Check Email First Thing

The same rule goes for in the morning. Don’t check your email as soon as you wake up. Do check it before you leave.

9. Start Your Day With Water

What you do first sets the tone for the day, so start your day with a tall glass of water to maintain hydration. When you feel hungry, try drinking water first because you might only be dehydrated.

10. Smiles Are Contagious

Positivity is infectious; therefore, smiles are contagious. Stay positive.

11. Let Your Inner Child Out

The season tends to make you all serious, so let your inner child out to play. Buy an adult coloring book or bundle up and go sit on the swing for five minutes of fun.

12. Let Little Stuff Go

Let the little things go to embrace the spirit of the holidays and move through temporary stress. Don’t be your own worst enemy by holding onto negativity like a dog with a bone.

13. Move Around

Performing the same actions over and over puts stress on the body, so change up your positions. Keep up fitness routines at home even if it’s just a walk around the block with the dog. Or get out and play with the kids.

14. Breathe Mindfully

Stress affects your heart rate and breathing patterns. Inhale deeply and slowly and release your breath for a count of three. Breathing mindfully brings your focus to the present.

15. Have Fun

Do your job, but enjoy the events, too. You’ve helped bring this event to life. Take in the experience.

16. Be Proud of Yourself

While taking in the experience, give yourself time to be proud of the work you’re doing.

17. Get Help

Duties pile up during the holiday season. Ask for help from your team or hire the help you need to get the job done…at home or work.

18. Automate What You Can

If you haven’t already, take time to automate what you can to save time during the holiday season, even if that’s only in your personal life. For example, automate your bill payments.

19. Celebrate Small Wins

Sometimes, you suffer losses during the holiday season. Take time to celebrate the small wins, especially when it makes your clients happy.

20. Journal

Life goes by too fast. Journaling slows down time and lets you enjoy what’s meaningful and work through stress or other emotions. It also gives you a chance to log the events of your life, or just doodle about your daily activities.

The holiday season can be an adrenaline rush for event planners, but it’s a time where stress can quickly add up, too. Use these 20 tips to let go of stress and reset in a pinch.

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