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Meet Comedian & Motivational Speaker Greg Schwem

When you hear the phrase “corporate America,” you probably don’t think of “entertaining” or “funny,” but that just means you haven’t yet met Greg Schwem. Greg’s take on the corporate world will have you doubled over with laughter as his sharp wit explores the edges of the familiar world so many of us find ourselves living within.

Greg doesn’t try to present himself as particularly “hip” or “cool,” and he doesn’t take himself too seriously. He launched to internet stardom with a 2009 rap where he leans into dad mode and tells his daughter to clean her room. Goofy, heartfelt and, above all, real, Greg connects well with audiences because he speaks about the experiences that so many of us share: parenting, the struggles of balancing work life with home life, and grappling with the realities of middle age living.

It’s obvious that his topics and delivery resonate as his work has made its way to the Chicago Tribune, Huffington Post, FOX News, and SIRIUS Radio. He has also launched his own website called FunnyDadInc. where he muses on the struggles of daughters named Alexa in the age of smart homes and the problems of parents using Snapchat.

While Greg does a great job at poking fun of the role of parenting as it meets up with pop culture, his real expertise is in gently skewering the corporate world while still meeting his corporate clients’ needs. He is excellent at tailoring content to meet specific industries and companies, and he loves to take internal information and turn it into jokes that will resonate with the group of employees before him. Because of this skill, he has been hired to speak at corporate events hosted by McDonald’s, Microsoft, IBM, and United Airlines.

Another draw for the corporate world is Greg’s ability to bring the laughs without stepping outside of the boundaries of corporate decency. He doesn’t need to clean up his act because it never contained profanity or politically incorrect material in the first place. What the audience gets is authentically Greg exploring the topics that matter to him . . . and to them.

Greg is available now to speak to your group, and he’s excellent at adapting material around your specific corporate culture to help boost morale, build a sense of community, and add some levity and fun to your next event. Contact us today to learn more.

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