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Top AI Keynote Speakers to Book for Your Corporate Event

Artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming the way businesses operate, driving innovation, productivity, and efficiency. Booking an AI keynote speaker for your corporate event can provide your team with invaluable insights into the latest trends and applications of AI in business. Here are seven outstanding AI keynote speakers who specialize in business productivity:

Mick Ebeling

Founder of Not Impossible Labs, Mick Ebeling is an award-winning innovator and humanitarian. His work focuses on using AI and other technologies to solve social issues. Mick’s inspiring keynotes highlight the potential of AI to create meaningful change, both in business and society, making him a perfect fit for companies aiming to combine innovation with social impact​.

Adam Cheyer

As the Co-Founder of Siri and Viv Labs, Adam Cheyer is a pioneer in AI and conversational interfaces. His expertise in creating intelligent systems that enhance business operations makes him a sought-after speaker. Adam’s presentations delve into the future of AI and its practical applications in various industries, offering valuable insights into how businesses can leverage AI for competitive advantage​.

Ayesha Khanna

Ayesha Khanna is the Co-Founder and CEO of ADDO AI, an AI advisory firm. She is known for her work in smart cities and AI-driven innovation. Ayesha’s keynote sessions focus on how AI can revolutionize business processes, improve efficiency, and drive economic growth. Her insights are particularly valuable for companies looking to integrate AI into their strategic planning​.

Peter Diamandis

Peter Diamandis is the Founder and Executive Chairman of the XPRIZE Foundation. With a background in molecular genetics and aerospace engineering, Peter is a leading voice on exponential technologies. His keynotes explore how AI and other emerging technologies can drive unprecedented business growth and innovation, providing strategic insights into future trends​.

Fei-Fei Li

As a Professor at Stanford University and Co-Director of Stanford’s Human-Centered AI Institute, Dr. Fei-Fei Li is a leading authority on AI. Her research on machine learning and AI ethics is groundbreaking. Fei-Fei’s keynotes provide deep insights into the ethical considerations and future potential of AI, making her a valuable speaker for forward-thinking businesses​.

These speakers (and more) bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the stage, ensuring that your corporate event is both informative and inspiring. Contact Innovative Entertainment today to learn more about booking one of these top AI keynote speakers and making your event a resounding success.

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