In this digital age of distraction and disconnection, many companies are finding it increasingly challenging to engage and retain both top-tier talent and customers. This is where Shane Feldman thrives. Recognized by The White House, The Prime Minister of Canada, and The United Nations for his achievements in community leadership, he helps audiences activate the leader within and connect more authentically with colleagues and customers to see greater engagement, satisfaction, and retention. As the Founder & CEO of Count Me In, Shane is the visionary behind the world’s largest millennial-led movement. Over the past decade, Count Me In has initiated tens of thousands of projects worldwide, contributing a value of over $2.6 billion to the global economy throughservice.


In this digital age of distraction and disconnection, many companies are finding it increasingly challenging to engage and retain both top-tier talent and customers. This is where Shane Feldman thrives. Recognized by The White House, The Prime Minister of Canada, and The United Nations for his achievements in community leadership, he helps audiences activate the leader within and connect more authentically with colleagues and customers to see greater engagement, satisfaction, and retention. As the Founder & CEO of Count Me In, Shane is the visionary behind the world’s largest millennial-led movement. Over the past decade, Count Me In has initiated tens of thousands of projects worldwide, contributing a value of over $2.6 billion to the global economy through service.
Shane’s reputation as a speaker is built on his energetic approach, skilled storytelling, and his capacity to both inspire audiences and offer tangible strategies they can implement right away to activate their leadership and cultivate meaningful connections. He has worked with some of the world’s most dynamic companies, including Google, Microsoft, and The Walt Disney Company.
Shane has been featured in top media outlets including Larry King, Dr. Oz, Forbes, People Magazine, and his documentary TV series from A&E follows his community building work.
- Leadership
- Community
- Workplaceculture
- Personal development
- Employee empowerment
- Entrepreneurship
Sample Abstracts for Keynotes
Believe business is built on relationships? In this inspiring and actionable keynote, renowned entrepreneur Shane Feldman will help you reimagine yourself as a community builder, so you andyour organization can build thriving teams and attract loyal customers.In this digital age of distraction and disconnection, we’re facing acommunity crisis. Companies are finding it increasingly challenging to engage and retain top-tier talent and customers. The solution is community building: redefining leadership as a daily choice to connect with others in a more intentional and meaningful way.
Whether you’re an executive, a sales rep, a dentist or an engineer, Shane’s unique approach will helpyou connect with coworkers and customers more effectively, and equip you with the skills to be atrue community builder within your organization. Having researched community in 20+ countries around the world, Shane takes the audience on a thrilling journey from remote villages to bustling metropolises, uncovering universal strategies that will help you and your organization build better relationships, and better business. Combining entertaining case studies with practical insights, thiscaptivating keynote performance will help you and your organization optimize human connection soyou can thrive in this digital age.
- Learn the daily leadership practice that drives creativity and innovation
- Build a culture that celebrates connection and collaboration
- Implement a next-level strategy to increase team buy-in and engagement
- How to offer a customer experience that guarantees loyalty
- The most effective strategy to make every interaction impactful
- Apply best practices currently used by the top performing companies
- Proactively avoid the top 3 connection killers
Shane Feldman started his first business at 12, produced his first event at 13, and the brand hestarted in high school became a global phenomenon. From an early age, Shane was seen as asuccess story, but hidden behind his smile was deep loneliness and disconnection.Sucker punched by relationship breakdown, he left the country to escape, reset, and recharge. Thatfirst plane ticket turned into an unplanned journey around the world, and an accidental discovery ofsome of the truths about community: how they start, what makes them tick, how people engage andthe power of meaningful connection.Equal parts inspiring and practical, this timely keynote combines entertaining stories from Shane’sglobal travels with key insights that you and your team can apply immediately to improve communication, collaboration, wellness and workplace culture.
- Avoid a common mistake most people make in communicating
- Gain a fresh approach to problem solving
- Learn how to make every interaction memorable
- Understand how to proactively avoid top-performer burnout
- Easy strategies to increase wellness at work
- How to build a team that embraces change and innovation
- Community building leadership practices that you can implement right away

- Business
- Leadership
- $15,000 - $25,000
- Contact us for Pricing
* This specific fee falls within this range. Ranges are presented as a guideline only. Speaker fees are subject to change without notice. For an exact quote, please call us or contact Innovative Entertainment through the form below.